
Three major points that cannot be ignored in the production of plastic molds

2023-11-11 01:45:33

What are the issues we need to pay attention to in the production of plastic molds? Now let's take a look!

1. We cannot only focus on product design and neglect plastic mold manufacturing.

Some customers, when developing products or new products, often focus only on product development and development in the early stages, and neglect communication with plastic mold manufacturing units. After the preliminary determination of the product design plan, it is necessary to have contact and communication with the mold manufacturer in advance. The benefits are:

(1) It can ensure that the designed product has good forming technology and will not be modified due to the difficulty of machining the parts.

(2) The design plan of the mold should be prepared in advance to prevent hasty consideration that may affect the project schedule.

(3) To produce high-quality plastic molds, only by closely combining supply and demand can we ultimately reduce costs and shorten the cycle.

2. We should not only focus on price, but also consider quality, cycle, and service from all aspects.

(1) There are many types of molds, and different types of molds should be selected for forming according to different needs.

(2) High precision molds should be processed using high-precision CNC machine tools, and there are strict requirements for mold materials and forming processes.

(3) Manufacturers should have CNC, electric spark, wire cutting machines, high-precision coordinate measuring instruments, etc.

3. Avoid multiple collaborations and try to process plastic box products in one go.

(1) With qualified molds, it is not necessarily possible to produce a batch of qualified products, mainly related to the machining machine shape of the parts, the forming process (forming temperature, forming time), and the technical quality of the operator.

(2) With good molds, good forming and processing are also necessary. Zui Hao is a one-stop collaboration, and it is best to avoid multiple collaborations. If conditions are not met, one party should be chosen to be fully responsible, and the contract should be clearly stated.